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Best Love Letters and Love Quotes for you


Best Love Letters and Love Quotes for you

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Best Love Letters Sad Love Quotes for you

you are always on my mind
and my heart won’t get over you
I guess it’s true I will always
be madly in love with you but
what am I to do when you don’t
show me you love me too.

“Before I sleep and after I wake up and all the hours in between … you occupy my mind. So, practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts. I miss you.”

“When I see you, the world stops as if the only purpose in life was for me to please you.”

You are my soul mate and nothing, and no one else feels more right than you!! I love you eternally and unconditionally. God’s love has answered this prayer I’ve wanted and been almost too anxious for so long. I miss you more than words can say and my love will reach any distance and fly to be in your dreams and heart each evening that we can not be together. I physically long for you each night and will see you in my dreams until we find ourselves wrapped in the love that grows stronger and deeper each day, into our future together. I believe and have faith in you.

As the day fades away and the night slips up on me, I find myself clinging onto my prayers. Every night I pray to God that he will keep you in his arms. I pray that he keeps you out of harm’s way until we can finally be together again.

Today I am most please to tell you
how I feel about U,
In My heart I don’t see two but U.

Anytime I see you my heart beats boom boom.
This feeling I know is true.
Because deep down in my heart
I know that I LOVE YOU.
And Today I most pleased than ever to tell you.

I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile, your magical eyes, and the sound of your voice. I love your gentle touch, and I love the warmth I feel when I’m by your side. I can’t stop thinking about you when we are apart. I need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I’ve always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share with you.

“Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.”

“I did three things today; miss you, miss you, and miss you.”

“To me you are my rose; every day when I see a beatiful rose I think of you, and miss you, and hope to hold you in my arms.”

“Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream.”

You’ve helped me understand a lot of things people don’t think I understand or think that I’m allowed to understand which is what is making me a very strong person. I have a lot more respect for love and people who have it. To be mature, you have to be an adult. But to be in love, you have to be nothing but a human being with a heart. That is very much true. No ones parents should prevent their children from falling in love with someone because of their age and it’s not allowed. You can’t stop love, and you defiantly shouldn’t put your own feelings on hold because someone is telling you “You’re not allowed to love him because you’re too young.” I love you and I’m not going to be putting my feelings on hold to wait until my mom thinks its okay to love you. You are everything to me, my life really, and I’m not going to give that up. I can’t live without a life.

“If ever you think of me out of the blue, just remember it’s all the kisses I’ve blown in the air finally catching up with you!”

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